We Recommend you check out the following organizations.

Uniquity Builders is proud to be associated with the following organizations. Use the links below to check out their websites for a wealth of business information and to become acquainted with recreational opportunities and special events in our area. 

We strongly urge you to check out any contractor you may be considering on the Contractors License Board. You can easily check their current status and make sure they are properly licensed and insured using the link below. 

Please be aware, liability insurance is not a requirement for general contractors. Uniquity Builders Inc. does carry Liability and worker’s comp insurance, for your protection. 

Contractors State License Board

Can help you with:

  • Consumers Information
  • Link to check contractors license status
  • News and Events

Mid-Cal Better Business Bureau


Uniquity Builders is an accredited member

of the Better Business Bureau. This means

that we agree to comply with the BBB Code

of Business Practices. 

Valley Springs Area Business Association


Can help you by:

Introducing you to businesses and resources

available in the Valley Springs area.